This is a crosspost from Yankee Doodle over at Stop Islamic Conquest
For those of you who are not already familiar with the story, Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld is a scholar who researches how terrorism gets its finances.Money is important to Islamic terrorists:
1) Rich terrorist leaders promise monetary rewards to the families of suicide bombers. The financial incentive is thus like a life insurance policy, which will leave the families of suicide bombers well-off after the event -- just another reason to blow themselves up, taking innocents with them.
2) Well-funded terrorist organizations take advantage of poverty in Iraq, and pay Iraqis to place roadside bombs which threaten our troops.
3) Terrorists have to train themselves and their recruits; they have to travel, rent cars and apartments, set up a cover, and conduct surveillance to prepare for their operations. This all takes money.
4)The explosives, weapons and ammunition that terrorists use are not cheap.
5) Islamic terrorists are big into organized crime. They traffic narcotics, slaves, arms and nuclear secrets. Taking a bite out of terrorism is taking a bite out of these other criminal activities, and vice-versa.Many scholars have studied this topic and published on it. Because of that, one Saudi billionaire terrorist financier, Khalid bin Mahfouz, has gone after these researchers and either sued or threatened to sue them. Many of them backed down -- they just don't have the money to defend themselves against a school of lawyer-sharks funded by a rich Saudi sheikh. Sheikh bin Mahfouz has opted to prosecute his legal jihad in the UK, where libel laws greatly favor the plaintiff, and he consistently wins there.
Dr. Ehrenfeld, however, has refused to back down. Instead, she has taken the battle to Sheikh bin Mahfouz, and has won some important victories in US courts that protect American authors, so they no longer have to be afraid of ramifications in the US from judgements against them in the UK. You can read about Dr. Ehrenfeld's legal battles at her website, The American Center for Democracy.In addition to her work battling Sheikh bin Mahfouz, Dr. Ehrenfeld's organization researches a variety of other related topics, such as economic jihad and narco-jihad. The Support Page at Dr. Ehrenfeld's website outlines what she and her organization are doing. Here is a brief excerpt:
Exposing the Muslim BrotherhoodThis is a particularly critical project at present, as U.S. political leaders and mainstream media reporters increasingly accept and promote - unchallenged - the MB radical Islamist agenda, which is frequently dressed up as 'reform," without notice of the MB endgame - a global Islamic empire.The ACD strategy is to hinder MB funding of its anti- American, anti-West global operations.Tracking Economic JihadThe ACD continues to study "Economic Jihad," that is, the means by which terrorists and their supporters infiltrate the U.S. economy to Islamize Western culture, U.S. public opinion---and domestic and international policy. The growing number of Shari'a compliant businesses in the U.S. and elsewhere is but one indication.Exposing New Terror Funding TechnologiesThe ACD exposed criminal and terrorist abuse of unregulated international mobile phone payment system (M-Payment). It continues to research untraceable funding mechanisms, such as gambling.Defending the First AmendmentACD Director Rachel Ehrenfeld is the only American writer to have sued a Saudi multi-billionaire in the U.S. to protect the First Amendment and to reestablish U.S. press efforts to expose Saudi terrorist-group financiers.Dr. Ehrenfeld is on the front lines of battling Islamic terror and Islamic conquest. Her selfless and courageous work is every bit as important as the selfless and courageous sacrifices of our troops and intelligence personnel overseas and here at home. As I previously stated (emphasis added):
The heroic efforts of our troops and others would be completely undercut if we lost this battle. The terrorists know they can't defeat us on the battlefield, but if they can undercut our will to defend ourselves against their legal and financial jihad, if they can cause us to not speak the truth but repeat their hateful lies instead, then our brave troops will return undefeated from overseas, only to find themselves in the Islamic Republic of America.Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld is a hero of the counterjihad, but her work is not cheap. Later this month she has another round in court against Sheikh bin Mahfouz's well-paid attorneys, the best legal snakes Saudi money can rent. Let's make sure Rachel has the money she needs to continue her work, defend herself against outrageous lawsuits, and protect America's First Amendment from the onslaught of a Saudi billionaire who seeks to sue us into submission!Go to Rachel's support page and hit her tip jar just as hard as you can!
I mean hit 'til it hurts!If you have a blog, post a message to your readers telling them this story.If you don't have a blog, now's a good time to start one, and you already have a topic for your first post.(And please leave me a link in the comments, or send me an email.)The freedoms that we so often take for granted are being threatened by this Saudi billionaire's legal jihad, even as his financial jihad helps terrorists bring death and destruction to millions of people worldwide, including to our own shores. If you care about the freedoms and the lives of your loved ones, your neighbors, and yourself, help Rachel!Freedom isn't free, and your contributions are fully tax deductible.
Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall standBetween their loved homes and the war's desolation!Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued landPraise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall waveO'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! is a repost from Yankee Doodle over at Stop Islamic Conqest.