Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.


Jamie Glazov - "United In Hate"


A two piece video- a bit long but worth all the while!


The Pirate Party

For the first time in my life I have become a member in a political party- namely the Pirate Party. They are fighting hard for individual freedom and fighting against legislations as FRA, ACTA, Hadopi, the Telecom legislation and other legislations that infringes on individual freedoms.


I think I'm still going to vote for them in the upcoming EU parlamentary election, but it is a close call after what I read recently.

The PP:s leader has said, and I quote:
That anyone should get free entrance to Sweden and their fair should be paid by the Swedish taxpayers.

They are also in favour for a six hour work day.

These are classic socialistic demands!

I have nothing against people coming here. The more the merrier. As long as they can provide for themselves! Which 97% of the immigrants can't do!

Six hour work day? I'm fine with that, as long as I don't have to pay you that extra two hours wage... If you don't want to work- then I take in some one else- and THEY get your salary!

I hate socialism, but sadly- the PP is the only remotely deascent party out there right now. The right thing to do would be to NOT vote at all. But thinking of the choises... Hmmm. Damned if you do, damned if you don't...

Ayn Rand on racism

A must read!

Collectivism is never and have not ever been a good trait for mankind, might it be by identifieing yorself with a political or religious strait of thinking. THAT does not hinder you from working to gether with other ones for the greater good. But you must allways look at your descisions with an ample amount of critisism. Be an individual first- THINK!


The state of "Palestine"


The day of ascention of Jesus

I have worked long hours the past weeks, even now on Thursday. So bear with me for the light posting. I hope I will be back on track sometimes during or after the weekend. My company- in spite of the echonomic depression- is having a frenzy, and I actually have got flattened fingertips from all the coding I'm doing right now.

Repetetive strain injury- or "mouse arm" is not the case here. I have a upper torso repetetive injury at the moment.

Well, atleast it takes my mind of my sore knees. HEH!


Data retention

The document presents the Swedish Government's proposal for how to implement the EU directive on "Data Retention" — mandatory logging of people's electronic activities by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and other telecommunications companies.

Media and human rights groups should have a particular interest in this legislation, since it makes it hard for sources to communicate safely, or, indeed, for journalists to research stories discreetly. In relation to sources, this legislation may be a violation of the Swedish Constitution's Freedom of the Press Act (Tryckfrihetsförordningen), which gives a right to source anonymity.

Our source states that "the Government have the intention to go public with the proposal first after the European Elections, to avoid the debate during the election campaign. This proposal should be up for debate now, as the election campaign is concerned with integrity issues. The purpose for this publication is to give the media and integrity activists a chance to raise the relevant questions in time."

The documents authenticity may be independently checked with the Swedish Ministry of Justice.
fast site, current site, Sweden, US, Latvia, Slovakia, UK, Finland, Netherlands, Poland, Tonga, Europe, SSL, Tor
What this means is that all our communication (email, SMS, phoning, filesharing, etc, etc) will be logged and saved for the future, may it have illegal contents or not. Even the location of mobile telephone calls being made will be logged.

This blogpost could be under leagal scrutiny because I don't link to Wikileaks- or not. Nobody relly knows were the boundaries are, but it could be anything in the future. It's only a legislation away.

Thank you very much for this (The accident) Tomas Bodström (former minister of justice for the social democratic government) for bringing this up on us. I will put a snail in your eye when I get the chance.
Holy crap! Now I'm really in the crappers!


Get in, get lost, get wellfare...

97%! of the asulym seekers does not have any papers of origin (passports or ID:s). At the same time there are some (projected) 250 000 false/fake passports or holders of Swedish passports here.

I believe that people should get shelter here in Sweden when needed. I'm also all for unrestricted immigration- as long as the immigrants can provide for themselves!

What I do not agree to is unlimited import of people, especially not from other cultures that does not comply with western values and basic human rights- I.E - Islamists, or to be harsh- muslims.

Muslims are very welcome- if they can provide for themselves- and IF they can assimilate. Sadly, too few of them do or can or want to.

I would not want an American or an Israelian or an central Europeian here if they don't assimilate. This is SWEDEN! Take it or leave it. With all the fermented herrings, our pagan traditions and a well placed boot up your arse, if you don't like it.

Nnnngh. Feeling a tat grumpy to night. Bear with me...


Super glue as torture

According to the Swedish magazine QX and the Human Rights Watch, homosexuals in Iraq are tortured to their death by means of having their anuses glued to gether with super glue called "American Gum" and then being forced to swallow laxatives.

Apparently this glue have to be removed by surgery and the torture is very painful and leads to a slow death.

But here is the good news if you are a muslim. You can allways keep your goat as long as you don't slaughter it and sell the meat. Atleast not to a member of your tribe...


Buying a house

I have placed a bid for a house. It's a nice 1920:th house, quite small but ample for my needs. It also have a quite large "side building" and some 1000 sqare meters of real property. They want 850 K:s for it but I bid for 650 and I think I have a good chance to get it.

On the down side is thtat it has direct electrical heating (BRRR!) and that the yard is a slope.
On the up side is that it is relatively cheap and only 20 minutes of commuting away from the city.

(850 K:s = $ 106 000)

Hmm, could be something. What do you think?

The area is also very child friendly with some former NHL stars living in it. Only if I get it I really have to get me a car- bummer!

Also, there are a lot to work on- even if it is quite habitable as it is. I'm no Bill Gates even though I have some money stucked away. -And I hate the whole "car thingy".

And moreover you can't get more than 0.25 MB internet there as it is right now (oh, the horror!) and you need a satellite dish to get more than three TV channels (not really- you can get a digital box- but then you have to pay extra for everything).

And it has not got a cellar! But it has got a second floor with a wooden heated stove. And an earth cellar.

Nnnngh! Descisions, descisions, descisions...

The Gore

The newspapers here reports that we have had the "warmest April" -like for ever! Maybe the Gore is on to something?

Well it turns out that we have had a very warm April month. It turns out to be the four last days of the month that upped the average temperature to 0.3c more than the last "record" in 2001! Which in turn was 0.6c lower than the temperature of april in 1956.

My ancestors- the Vikings (I like to think of them as my ancestors even though I'm not completly sure about my heritage), cultivated wine yards in Sweden 1500 years ago with the help of a whopping 3c over the top average temperature of today! And that was with no CO2 emitting industry what so ever!

What was their secret?


As it turns out the month of April was not the warmest April- not by far. But it was the driest April in west and east Gothia since they started measuring. But that's a whole another thing.

Every fifth year or so, winds bl0ws mainly from the east, which means that we get dry and later in the summer, also warm weather. No one knows if it's the case here. Weather can be pretty unpredictible.

When winds comes in from the Atlantic ocean, on the other hand,- which it usually do, the climate gets colder and wetter.

The global average temperature sank by 0.5C during 2008. That's all the gain in temperature we have had since the turn of the 19:th century!

The Berings strait was unsailable the past winter for the first time in decades and a Canadian expedition team on the pack ice of the North Pole that was there to measure the global warming effects on the ice had to be air lifted out of there because it was too cold.

I'm not saying that this means that we are getting colder climate (or a new ice- age), but we are ceartainly due for it. To think that we humans has made even a slight dent in the climate of this 4 1/2 billion year old planet is - plane hubris.

Now I'm going to lit one really unnecessary lamp. THAT might save an ice bear or a lemming. What do I know? The climate resarchers, and abowe all, The Gore does not...

Tin foil hat time

Across the street of my home is a building, a very nice 1800:th one I might ad.

I had trouble sleeping- my knees was hurting- and I got out of bed and stood watching out of the window as I often do when I can't sleep. I don't do it so much for the wievs as I do it just for, well kind of meditating while composing (I know, it's sad).

Anyway, the old building across the street has a top floor where the lights are allways burning. This particular night (or morning) at around 3 am I noticed a covered truck driving over to the building. I thought that was odd at that time on a Sunday morning.

Nosy as I am, I went out "for some fresh air" and just "happened" to swing by the building. I looked at the name plates and they were all just ordinary Swedish names. One of the names- the one that was listed as the top floor owners was interresting. It was quite unusual albeit Swedish sounding, so I did an internet research and came up with the name connected to several apartments in the city.

Then I searched for mosques in the area, and what do you know- one was listed at precisely the adress at the building across the street.


Now! I can be completely wrong. I'm after all sleep deprived. The search engines are not fail safe so the mosque might or might not be located at that precise adress. It could be the one a block away- the one with covered windows and the very suspicious name (let's just say it has something like "international, borders and friends" in it.)

Dang! the stores don't open for another 3 1/2 hours and I'm out of tin foil. Wonder if a wet towel will do the trick?

But I'm still wondering. What was that truck unloading at that time in the morning?

Gah! Got to catch som Z:s...



Did not know this. It's, it's, it's...

ÄFS- short for Äldreförsörjningsstöd (elderly income support) are being given to "next of kin immigrant residents" who are over the age of 65 when entering Sweden. They are being given residency automaticly and ÄFS, which could be as much as up to 10 500 SEK ($ 1350) a month tax free! Without ever having paid a singel SEK in taxes, and on top of what ever pensions they get from their home country.

My projected folk pension is 10500 SEK before taxes! (That could of course change over the years. But I'm not holding my breath. Not when the (social democratic) government stealed 100 biljon SEK from the pension funds to balance the state finances.

Many pensioneres today lives on 5000 SEK ($630) a month and now the sitting government are planning to lower the pensions because of money shortage in the pension funds.

Yupp! That's the wellfare state for you...