Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.


This is kind of - funny!

The first graph is of global mean temperatures, the second one of asylum seekers in Sweden, albeit, over a shorter period of time, but still!


Hockey stick!

Thing is. Is that the first graph is kind of presumed, it´s a theorie as much as actual science. The second one is what we actually know of!


Ever been defiled by a bear?

A couple of years ago, I went fishing with some family friends in northern Lapland, Sweden.

We were walking on an old trail road.

All of a sudden, we heard commotion in the bushes to our left.

Suddenly a bear raced out in front of us. As I call it, it was a male, maybe  250-300Kg, but the bear decided to take a run, and meanwhile take a shit on me.

I´m not joking. The fucking animal literally sprayed me with  poo.

Thankfully- this partially bear seems to have been something of a vegetarian- so the litter was quite hard and non-smelly.

Was I afraid?

Count on it!

But I still had for knives and a machete on me!

So if the bear would have come at me- the fucker would have done the wrong move...



Sofia Jannok doing a jojk/Yoik- a sami girl from my old hometown, Gällivare. As beatyfully as she is singing as beatutiful is she!

Most of it seems to be filmed in Gällivare but also some in Jukkasjärvi at the ice hotel.

Google it!

As much as I hate  that place(and I mean really, really hate it),
I still miss it.


This is my cats

Foto: De än så länge namnlösa tillskotten till familjen.The gray one is called Sixten which means victory or stone in old Swedish.
The yellow one is named Filur which means dodger or rascal in English (and is also the name for SAAB:s Flying Innovative Low-observable Unmanned Research vehicle.)

That is a drone that leaves presents on your porch every now and then.

This is actually the best names to describe them with!