Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.


Closed down

Shiva and K9 has been closed down by Blogger. They have ran a very islam critic blog for some years now. The material in their posts have been... excplicit. But they really have only showed the true face of islam. The blog is named Illustrated P.I.G to islam and can be found in my sidebar.

Their material showed the full face evils done in the name of the islamic ideology by two contributors living in a muslim state nevertheless. So you all on blogger- watch out! You can be thrown out at any moment just to point out the truth!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't better then to use something else than blogger? It belongs to Google i guess and they have willingly helped the chinese governement to censur internet i recon.

Tuesday 29 July 2008 at 13:51:00 CEST


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