Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.



My PC finally crashed on me. I have spent hours of formatting and reinstalling. I don't know if it (THE THING- i call it) will hang on much longer. Will go and buy myself another "thing" on Saturday.

Untill then- I don't know how much I can post.

Have to go and do some real life work now; I'll se if I can get the system in shape later this evening. But I'm begining to suspect that the whole bucket are posessed- or I'm. The laptop I have- or had- started burning in my... Lap, and this one keeps restarting itself from time to time- spooky!

The key board also is a seriously health hazard! I think I have more gummy bears wedged in between the keys than any candy store can offer.

The PC speakers are also kind of wierd. Every now and then they give up... A weasing sound, or maybe best described as a growling sound- even when they are not turned on!- Especially when I'm trying to take a nap... The last time they did that I got so starteled that I ran in to a wall.

I think I need a catholic priest.


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