Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.



Six sunni muslim mosques were burned down early on Thurshday morning as an answer to n attack against a shia mosque earlier. Two of the mosques were situated in Iskandariyya, south of Baghdad, another one in Mahawil. Another three mosques in Baghdad and al-Iskandariyya were bombed during Thursday morning.

Yes indeed. This is ceartainly a culture that we want to be intermixed into our societys! I´m horrified by the violence muslims are bringing up upon themselves in the name of their cherished ideology. Because it is an ideology, much like nazism and communism or why not the persona cult north- korea has. Why does people stand with it? If you are born and indoctrinated in a totalitarian country, I can see why. But why are people in the west so ready to defend the atrocities being done in the name of a mad- man? Why have our politicians flatter foreheads than the muslims from banging their heads to the floor in submission of multiculturalism? Why?

All the while, more muslims are being killed by other muslims in the name of their own religion. Hundred of thousands- if not miljons of muslim have fallen to the sword of another muslim just during the last 15 years! WHY?



Blogger WomanHonorThyself said...

hiya friend! ya wont see THIS in the Lamestream no!

Thursday 14 June 2007 at 15:25:00 CEST


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