Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.


Immigrants are a resource - not a burden

The purchasing power of immigrants is rising, yet immigrants are still wrongly portrayed as a drain on resources. Hardly surprising therefore that the xenophobic socialists in the Sweden Democrats are winning votes, writes Billy McCormac of think-tank Timbro.

It is not surprising that the overall purchasing power of immigrants is rising. Their numbers are growing, but where does the money come from? I do not like the Sweden Democrates, but it is not for their "xenophobic" agenda. It´s simply because that they in all other matters are a far leftist political party. But, they are also the only political party with a chance to get parlimental seats, that problematizes the question of immigration politics, born out of a socialist multiculturalistic ideology. I will not wote for them, but it is not their immigration policys that stands in the way.

Southern Sweden has seen a sharp increase in immigration in recent years. More precisely, 28,000 people immigrated to the region between 2001 and 2005, accounting for roughly 85 percent of overall population growth. In fact, Statistics Sweden has forecast that immigrants will account for 90 percent of total population growth up to 2020. Racist thugs and political miscreants depict immigrants as a threat to and a strain on Swedish society. Don’t believe it.

Well, that really depends on who the immigrants are. There is nothing wrong with immigrants. I´m one myself. That does not mean that every group of people has something to provide that would enrich this country. On the contrary; the last ten years or so, attack- rapes has gone up by 400% and gang rapes which was virtually unknown of only 15 years ago, now numbers in the near hundreds anually. As a matter of coincidence, this almost exacly fits the raise of non Europeian immigrants (+ Europeian immigrants of you- know- what ideology). Is this what multiculturalists call culture enriching? Let´s not go in to the matter of how the demographics of our prisons look like!

As author Philippe Legrain argues in his latest book, Immigrants: Your Country Needs Them, immigration generally coincides with economic expansion rather than contraction. The United States, for instance, witnessed stunning economic growth between 1870 and 1920 following the arrival of tens of millions Europeans. More, a recent study of fifteen European countries found that a one percent increase in population by way of immigration resulted in economic growth of up to 1.5 percent.

Once again. Who were the people immigrating to The United States between 1870 and 1920? As Mc Cormac states, they were Europeans. Among others, a miljon Swedes. Who are the immigrants on the beaches of Europe today? Ceartinly not Europeans or Northern Americans. And yes, an increase in immigration will result in economic growth- by state spending. But where is the money coming from? Why are Sweden the most tax burdened country in the world- and still has one of the largest per capita debts in the western hemisphere? It´s the net value of the economic growth that is important. How big might that be?


But let’s leave the ravings of the fever swamp socialist xenophobes to one side. A recent report on Sweden’s multicultural marketplace – authored by Anja Alemdar of Veritas Communication and commissioned by my employer, Timbro – found that total 2005 immigrant purchasing power in southern Sweden had surged to 20 billion kronor. In fact, the inflation-adjusted purchasing power of foreign-born individuals has climbed 33.4 percent between 2001 and 2005, compared to just 12.8 percent for homegrown Swedes.

Ok, so the immigrant purchasing power has increased by 20 biljon kronor. Once again- not very suprising really when you think of it huh? How coud it not be an increase in spending power with an influx of 28000 immigrants annualy? But still there is the question. Where is the money coming from? If you start with a percentage quota of zero, it´s not very hard to raise the purchasing power with humpty percent. Those numbers really tells us nothing at all. And again, whos money is being spent?


The news magazine Fokus recently ranked the Swedish city of Värnamo number one in integration. One in five inhabitants is foreign born and 71 percent are employed. This stands in stark contrast to the city of Malmö, where only 44 percent of the immigrant population has a job. Immigrants relocating to Värnamo are immediately put in touch with the department of employment services and similar networks. Finding work for new arrivals is a top priority, which is as it should be.

I suggest someone takes a look at the demographics in Värnamo visavi Malmö. Who are the immigrants in Värnamo? Who are the immigrants in Malmö? Let´s just say that Malmö is the first major Scandinavian city that is projected to become a city with a majority of .... you-know-who immigrants in the near future.

Read it all over at The Local


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