Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.


Why is politics so hard?

I have called myself a humanist and a liberalist for some time now. For me that means pro- globalisation, non- protectionism, a global community, who interact and benifits from each others. That is why I get so dissapointed about otherwise very intellectual and smart people like Henrik Alexandersson (Swedish only) when they in the name of uber libertarianism, really belives that all open borders is the solution to all problems.

While being critic to the ideology of islam, he is still sporting the naive thinking that all open borders would be something positive for our community. While I´m not totally against this romantic idea; I'm also a realist. That means that I belive that there is some things that are not possible to intermix with our western beliefs of freedom and universal rights. That means that there are ceartain idological belief systems that simply can not co- exist with western (christian/judean) way of thoughts and moral thinkings.

The Golden Rule!

Free movement of capital- Yes!
Free movement of information- Yes!
Free movement of labour- Yes!
Free movement of people?- No!
Free movement of totalitarian, meagalomaniac, imerialistic and... well, lets face it- A totally ..... deluotional son of a ....., a certified mad man who was an assasin, pedophile, killer, robber, lier, etc, etc. No, no , no, nooooooooooo!

Why do I think so? Well, lets just say that the multi-culti idea of all culturals being equal comes down to this; Then cannibalism just would be a matter of taste, nazism would be a cultural quirke and communism would just be this seasons black.

What surprises me is that 1.5 biljon people actually has fallen for this scam. Soon to be in a theater near you. Be afraid, very afraid!


Blogger Yankee Doodle said...

Open borders merely among European countries might not be so bad (although I would have advised against it), but open borders allowing in adherents of such an imperialistic "religion" is madness.

Thursday 14 June 2007 at 02:10:00 CEST

Blogger WomanHonorThyself said...

how can anyone so bright be so short sighted bout immigration my friend?..sigh

Thursday 14 June 2007 at 04:51:00 CEST


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