Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.


Political Islam Correlated to Support for Terrorism

A new study by the US Institute for Peace (USIP) of polling data from fourteen different Muslim countries finds that support for a role for Islam in politics strongly correlates with more likely support for terrorism. This statistical analysis is certain to draw protests from the usual propagandists of radical Islam in the US, even though the USIP can hardly be considered a neo-conservative institution.

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Blogger anticant said...

Good to know there's a "US Institute for Peace". They seem more inclined to war these days - as long as it's the 'right' sort [i.e. one they believe they're winning]. On holiday in Italy recently, I overheard an American say "We're safe under the American flag!" Couldn't help wondering who else is?.....

Sunday 17 June 2007 at 09:11:00 CEST

Blogger pela68 said...

Hmm, hope you had an excellent holiday.

You are right in the matter of Americans relaying on their own state- power for their safety.
The rules of engagements, for exaple, hinders US troops from doing what the by all means should have the potency to do. That is why there are a FUBAR situation in Iraq (among other places). Also, that is why Israelian troops can not succeed in what otherwise pretty much would be a walk in the park.

German and Brittish troops also are obliged to the rules of engagement (by being NATO forces). Interrestingly Swedish forces are not. I just came across of a story about Swedes protecting a monastery in Kosovo against islamist thugs. German forces had already been forced away from another church, impotent of taking any action. There were 400 Swedes- most of them non- action militarys (chefs, sanitary personel, echonomists and such), against 10 000 albanians. They had no food, no water, no weapons- save for batons. Many were seriously wounded during the days of fighting. Broken arms, broken legs, head injurys and more. But they stood their ground, saving the monastary.

If I get time I will translate the whole story. But do not downplay the American soldiers. They are fine men and women risking their lives not only as American soldiers, but as defenders of the free world! Pretty much as Brittish soldiers, Americans aswell as Germans and other NATO countrys are not allowed to do their job. But I´m still forewer in debt to them all.

I do understand your thoughts, and your insights are allways welcome and cherished.

Your friend

Sunday 17 June 2007 at 23:11:00 CEST


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