Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.


Shooting Downrange

For me, there is almost nothing as zenlike and soothing for my soul as when I'm at the shooting range, popping off a couple of hundred rounds with my trusty scoped H&K G3 or the AIAW.

I do'nt know why. I think it's a guy-thing. I just like things that go bang.

A while ago after making a perfect cold- bore 1000 yard shot; I started to wonder. Could I actually do that to a living humanbeing? After contemplating this thought for a while, I came to the conclution that; yes! I would and could take another human life- if the stakes were high enough.

What would be the stakes then?
If somebody threatend my family? Yes!
If somone threatened the very values I live for? Yes again!
If somebody were trying to force their (in my opinion) evil values at me and at the same time were trying their best to kill me or hurt the very civilazation i live in and did their best to enforce their way of thoughts at me? Absolutely YES!

This is what we faces today. It is indeed a clash between civilazations. A clash between different way of thoughts, ideales and morale.

When doing rangerschool I was taught that warfare is 50% waiting, 40% tactical consideration and 10% actual fighting. I think that is true. The islamic world has now had 1400 years of waiting, tactical consideration and fighting at the very values ideales and morale the western worlds stand for. Namely- freedom, tolerance, democracy and pluralism. All of them being values that are not co-operative with islam. After a periode of hudna, the islamic nation is once again marching with swords in their hands.

Well- here is a man who wo'nt go down without a fight!

I'm not talking about muslims, but the very ideology they are believing in. Therefor it is my intellectual sniperscope rather than my physical one that is homing in for a mental headshot.

You will never even realise I was there! But this bullet will save you rather than take your life. Brace yourself.
You are most welcome to humanity; and humanity is the caliber I prefer fireing...


Blogger Yankee Doodle said...

Militarily, we keep them from conquering us. Militarily the Islamic world can't compete.

Ideologically, we destroy Islam. Ideologically Islam can't compete.

Friday, 2 March 2007 at 02:35:00 CET


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