Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.


The days of the week

This is for "you members of a linguistically-challenged culture".

First of all, the week does not start with Sunday. I have an American callendar hanging at the wall in my kitchen- and man, does it make me angry! Every time I trie too look up a date; i'm off by one day...

Atleast you anglos got the Monday name right. But really, the day is in the celebration of the moon! Where did the second "o" dissapeare? Please!
The correct way of spelling it would be Måndag- The day of the moon.

Tuesday- Now that is something! No, no, no. The old norse god's name is spelled Tir! What a hell...? You can ofcourse do it right and spell it as it should be done; namely Tisdag.

Wednesday. Wednesday? Wednesday?? What a heck does that mean? Wedding day? Wednes day? (Who the hell was Wednes, and what did he do to deserve having a day named after him? And what did he do to deserve being named Wednes?)
No; the proper name for for the third day of the week is ofcourse Onsdag! That would be the celebrationday of Odin. The godfather, the headmaster, the king of soul and rock-and roll! He is very angry with you!

Thursday- Now Tor- or as you anglians prefer to spell his name- Thor, is not very happy with you either! Pronouncing Tor with a lisping "h" in it makes him feel kind of gay! Very much like: "Hey Thhhhor can you come over here and check up on my make up?".
He is not pleased with that. This is a guy who has a hammer the siece of a volkswagen that shoots lightning out of it that easily could fry your ass. Do you want to mess with him?
Did'nt think so! Call the day Torsdag instead. (with a rolling RRRRRRRRR).

Friday- You allmost got this one right. But the norse godess of love messages you that the correct spelling of her name is Freja. But she is happily set with the spelling Fredag when mentioning her celebration day. She says that she is'nt angry. But from earlier experinces, I would say that she could "take up a mood" and wont talk to you for the rest of the day if you do not comply; (but when asked what's wrong will retort; Why don't you ever talk with me?")

Saturday- Again; what the heck? Saturnday? Saturationday? No, no, no! The correct spelling of this day is ofcourse Lördag- as in Lögardagen; or the day in the week when the vikings bathed- or atleast the one day of the year they aimed at doing it.

Finally we have Sunday- the last day of the week. That is ofcourse the day of the celebration of the sun. But the correct spelling would be Söndag.



Blogger Knute said...

I appreciated that! Greetings Knute

Saturday, 3 March 2007 at 20:32:00 CET

Blogger Yankee Doodle said...

Snuffle and snort!

(Just in case you don't know and can't find those words in your dictionary, those are sounds of disgust an animal might make -- Dr Suess style, you know?)

Sunday, 4 March 2007 at 03:29:00 CET

Blogger pela68 said...

Hmm, what excaly do you meen by that YD?

Do you mean that I made a wrong conclution?

Do you think I made wrong assumptions?

Do you think I'm wrong in this case?

It was rather an attempt in a humerous try to explaine where the names of the days really originated from!

Please ; if I have offended you- that was never the meaning.

Sunday, 4 March 2007 at 04:44:00 CET


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