Proud Infidel ranting about the ongoing war against democratic and secular values (Don't fool yourselves)! Maybe a voice of sanity in a wide ocean of madness.


Sandapan om Wacko Jacko

Hihihihihi- lysande post! Den är för bra för att bara länka till. Jag snor den direkt. Förlåt Sandmonkey!

Jermain wants Jackson to become muslim
NO! HELL NO. Please dear god NO! We don't need anymore freaks!
Hey, MJ, why
not scientology? Scientology is nice. It has space aliens and shit. You like
that, don't you Moonwalker? So stay away from Islam, which has no aliens and
promises you lots of women (Double "Ewwwww" for you I am sure), and move towards
Scientology, where I am sure Tom Cruise and John Travolta will take you into
their bosoms immedietly. Oh god, mental image. Why do I do that to myself?


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